
Want to make a quick buck and open up space? This is the perfect option for you! KBrand Equestrian will purchase almost any item in most conditions. We can’t pay top dollar, but we can guarantee a quick sale for you.


Selling items can be a hassle; so let us do it for you! KBrand Equestrian offers consignment services on all products. There is no minimum value on an item**; we believe in helping anyone take away the stress of selling.

Commission percentages are as follows:

25% - $5-$100
20% - $101-$399
15% - $400+

*KBrand Equestrian does not sell used helmets or items with an expiration date.

**Items with a value of under $5 will be accepted but will be considered a donation and no payout will be received.


Get in touch

Interested in consignment or outright sales? Reach out to any of the following platforms. Please include any pictures, item details, and roughly how much you would like to make for each item.

Please note:

Consignment - OPEN for new items.

Purchases - CLOSED for new items.

